We are dedicated to performing highest-level research and teaching in translational and basic research. Our mission is to improve research and education for the benefit of animals and humans.
We perform research on laboratory animal science, animal welfare and immunology. We use preclinical models for research to advance treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancer, both in the human and in animals.
Our Institute provides to researchers and study directors a high quality education in laboratory animal science. We provide our continuous education courses digitally, online and at different locations in Switzerland.
Our team comprises veterinarians, biomedical scientists, technicians, and administrators. We host students from the medical, veterinary, and science faculties alike. Together we share a passion for research and teaching.
We believe that sharing protocols helps science to move forward and supports animal welfare. We therefore publish our animal-related standard operating procedures (SOP) for your use.
The Breeding Calculator supports the planing of your breedings. It allows the calculation of the number of required breedings for getting the desired results (genotype, sex) with a predefined success probability (confidence level).
The novel UZH Campus Schlieren is dedicated to biomedical research. It is located in the Biotechno-Park Schlieren, embedded in an environment with hospital and ETH Zürich research groups as well as established biotech companies and startups. The Campus Council Schlieren, chaired by Prof. Buch, is devoted to providing staff and students an optimal research and learning experience in Schlieren. The campus manager Yves Bourloud makes the council´s visions happen.
Institute News
Publication: Comparison of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin products with surprising differences in protein content