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Institut für Labortierkunde (LTK) - Institute of Laboratory Animal Science

Continuing education courses organized by other institutions

Continuing education organised by Animal Free Research Foundation

Topics and content

Current topics in animal experimentation

Current courses

Dates: periodic course (once a year) 
Location:  Zürich
Program: see website of Animal Free Research
Accreditation This course is accredited by the Association of Cantonal Veterinarian Offices for continuing education in animal experimentation. For more details, please visit the website of Animal Free Research

Registration and Information

Fortbildung für Tierpfleger (Kurse vom Schweizerischen Verband für die Berufsausbildung Tierplfege (SVBT)

Lernziele und Inhalt

Die neue Tierschutzverordnung verpflichtet alle Tierpflegerinnen und Tierpfleger, sich in 4 Jahren während 4 Tagen fortzubilden. (Art. 190 Abs. 1a)

Aktuelle Kurse

Datum: regelmässig halbjährlich
Ort: meist in Zofingen
Programm: siehe unten Kursübersicht SVBT

Registration and Information


Animal Welfare Courses ecotoxsolutions

Learning objectives

The courses are organized by ecotox solutions and take place in Basel. The course language is English or German (see pdf-file of relevant course). The courses take about eight hours and are regarded as a one day of Continuing Eduction by the Swiss authorities. A written certificate will be handed out at the end of the course. This certificate will have to be shown to the Swiss authorities on request.

Lernziele und Inhalt

Die Kurse werden durch ecotox solutions organisiert und finden in Basel statt. Die Kurse werden in deutscher oder englischer Sprache gehalten, gemäss Programm des betreffenden Kurses (siehe pdf-files). Die Kurse dauern je etwa acht Stunden und werden von den Schweizer Behörden als 1 Tag Weiterbildung anerkannt. Am Ende jedes Kurses wird die Teilnahme schriftlich bestätigt. Diese Bestätigung muss in der Schweiz den Behörden auf Verlangen vorgewiesen werden.

Registration and Information

ecotox solutions

Basic microsurgical course

Learning objectives

One-week microsurgical course in the Laboratory for Microsurgery, Department of Neurosurgery.
Weekly program:

* 1st day: Demonstration of end-to-end anastomoses on pieces of rubber tubing, using 6-0 and 10-0 sutures. Instruction on knot-tying.

* 2nd day: End-to-end and end-to-side anastomoses of pig heart vessels.
* 3rd day: Demonstration of end-to-end (carotid artery – carotid artery) and end-to-side (carotid artery – jugular vein) anastomoses of a rat.
The participant then performs individually an end-to-end anastomoses of the carotid and femoral arteries.
* 4th day: End-to-side and end-to-end anastomoses of the carotid and femoral arteries.
* 5th day: End-to-side and end-to-end anastomoses of the carotid or fermoral arteries.
Preparation of the aorta and vena cava.

Participants can gain further microsurgical insights thanks to a „step-by-step“ teaching audiovisual recording being at their disposition.

Video tapes are available for viewing outside the regular course schedule for those interested in the practical EC-IC-bypass operation.

Registration and Information

Neurochirurgie UZH

Swiss Society for Neuroscience


This course will not be organised by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Science Please take note of the following course which will take place right after the Basic microsurgical course: Microsurgical Course in Mouse Single Lung Transplantation

Swiss Stem Cell Network (SSCN) – Annual Meeting


Faculty of Sciences, Sciences II

Registration and Information

Swiss Stem Cell Network