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Continuing education organised by Animal Free Research Foundation
Topics and content |
Current topics in animal experimentation |
Current courses |
Dates: periodic course (once a year) Location: Zürich Program: see website of Animal Free Research |
Accreditation | This course is accredited by the Association of Cantonal Veterinarian Offices for continuing education in animal experimentation. For more details, please visit the website of Animal Free Research |
Registration and Information |
Fortbildung für Tierpfleger
(Kurse vom Schweizerischen Verband für die Berufsausbildung Tierplfege (SVBT)
Lernziele und Inhalt |
Die neue Tierschutzverordnung verpflichtet alle Tierpflegerinnen und Tierpfleger, sich in 4 Jahren während 4 Tagen fortzubilden. (Art. 190 Abs. 1a) |
Aktuelle Kurse |
Datum: regelmässig halbjährlich Ort: meist in Zofingen Programm: siehe unten Kursübersicht SVBT |
Registration and Information |
Animal Welfare Courses ecotoxsolutions
Learning objectives |
The courses are organized by ecotox solutions and take place in Basel. The course language is English or German (see pdf-file of relevant course). The courses take about eight hours and are regarded as a one day of Continuing Eduction by the Swiss authorities. A written certificate will be handed out at the end of the course. This certificate will have to be shown to the Swiss authorities on request. |
Lernziele und Inhalt |
Die Kurse werden durch ecotox solutions organisiert und finden in Basel statt. Die Kurse werden in deutscher oder englischer Sprache gehalten, gemäss Programm des betreffenden Kurses (siehe pdf-files). Die Kurse dauern je etwa acht Stunden und werden von den Schweizer Behörden als 1 Tag Weiterbildung anerkannt. Am Ende jedes Kurses wird die Teilnahme schriftlich bestätigt. Diese Bestätigung muss in der Schweiz den Behörden auf Verlangen vorgewiesen werden. |
Registration and Information |
ecotox solutions |
Basic microsurgical course
Learning objectives |
One-week microsurgical course in the Laboratory for Microsurgery, Department of Neurosurgery. Weekly program: * 1st day: Demonstration of end-to-end anastomoses on pieces of rubber tubing, using 6-0 and 10-0 sutures. Instruction on knot-tying. * 2nd day: End-to-end and end-to-side anastomoses of pig heart vessels.* 3rd day: Demonstration of end-to-end (carotid artery – carotid artery) and end-to-side (carotid artery – jugular vein) anastomoses of a rat. The participant then performs individually an end-to-end anastomoses of the carotid and femoral arteries. * 4th day: End-to-side and end-to-end anastomoses of the carotid and femoral arteries. * 5th day: End-to-side and end-to-end anastomoses of the carotid or fermoral arteries. Preparation of the aorta and vena cava. Participants can gain further microsurgical insights thanks to a „step-by-step“ teaching audiovisual recording being at their disposition. Video tapes are available for viewing outside the regular course schedule for those interested in the practical EC-IC-bypass operation. |
Registration and Information |
Neurochirurgie UZH |
Swiss Society for Neuroscience
Note | This course will not be organised by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Science Please take note of the following course which will take place right after the Basic microsurgical course: Microsurgical Course in Mouse Single Lung Transplantation |
Swiss Stem Cell Network (SSCN) – Annual Meeting
Location | Faculty of Sciences, Sciences II |
Registration and Information |
Swiss Stem Cell Network |