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Institut für Labortierkunde (LTK) - Institute of Laboratory Animal Science


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 ETH-LTK-Cooperation provides basic and continuous education in the field of laboratory animal research.

Our team consists of affiliates of the ETH Zürich and the University of Zürich. Feel free to contact us!

Which course do I need?

More about Which course do I need?

Do you need basic training to get a certain role accreditation or continuing education?

Courses required to become licensed for participating in animal research.

Courses required to maintain your license to do research with animals.

Special conditions or individual requirements need special solution – find out more.

Weiterführende Informationen


Dr. Philippe Bugnon, Dipl. SVLAS
Tel.: +41 44 635 54 52

Dr. Maike Heimann, Dipl. SVLAS
Tel.: +41 44 633 89 23

Flyer LTK education

Will be soon available


Unterseiten von Teaching and Training