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Institut für Labortierkunde (LTK) - Institute of Laboratory Animal Science

M-22E Workshop on “Reproducibility in Animal Research” / “Important Statistical Concepts for Animal Research”

Reproducibility is often called the “hallmark” or “bedrock” of science. After all, what good are scientific findings if they are only valid for the time and place they were originally created? This course will convey a general understanding of what reproducibility means before focusing on three key aspects of it.

The participants will learn:

- how reproducible research is dependent on data generation, analysis and reporting

- how daily research habits are influencing reproducibility;

- how reproducibility of research also depends on the correct interpretation of research findings.


The course programme starts with a general introduction into the topic of reproducibility, continues with concrete advice on how to spot faulty research and how to interpret data without falling prey to dichotomous thinking and/or biased reporting.


The two-day training course aims at researchers regardless of their level of experience.


Note: For this course, 2 continuous training days are submitted for authority accreditation. Prerequisite for this is that the participants do preparatory tasks and additionally do a homework after the course, which will be checked by the organizers.


For more details please read the full description of this course in this link



Weiterführende Informationen



Servan Grüninger
Msc Biostatistik UZH / Präsident reatch
Tel.: +41 77 468 25 46


Dr. Maike Heimann (SGU ETHZ)
Tel.: +41 44 633 89 23

Dr. Bugnon Philippe (LTK UZH)
Tel.: +41 44 635 54 52

Course overview and availability